medical terminology

medwords list

23/09/2009 21:28


W W chromosome W factor W rays W-arch W-plasty W.r. Waage Waaler Waardenburg Waardenburg syndrome Waardenburg syndrome Waardenburg type 4 syndrome gene Waardenburg types 1 and 3 syndrome gene Wachendorf Wachendorf membrane Wachstein Wachstein-Meissel stain for calcium-magnesium-ATPase Wada Wada...


23/09/2009 21:27


V antigen V gene V lead V wave V-2 carcinoma V-bends V-max V-MI V-pattern esotropia V-pattern exotropia V-shaped area of esophagus V-Y flap V-Y plasty VD Vmax VT VA VAC vaccenic acid vaccina vaccinal vaccinate vaccination vaccination vaccinator vaccine vaccine bodies vaccine lymph vaccine...


23/09/2009 21:25


U U wave u-score method UA UARS ubihydroquinone ubiquinol (QH2, H2Q) ubiquinone ubiquinone-10 (-Q10) ubiquinone-6 (-Q6) ubiquitin ubiquitin-protease pathway ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) UDP UDP-GlcUA UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:lysosomal enzyme...


23/09/2009 21:24


trachelism trachelitis trachelo- trachelobregmatic diameter trachelocele tracheloclavicular muscle trachelomastoid trachelooccipitalis trachelopanus trachelopexia tracheloplasty trachelorrhaphy trachelos tracheloschisis trachelotomy tracheo- tracheoaerocele tracheobiliary tracheobiliary...


23/09/2009 21:10


T agglutinogen T and A T antigens T cell T cell antigen receptors T cell–rich B-cell lymphoma T cytotoxic cells (Tc) t distribution T enzyme T fiber T group T helper subset 1 cells T helper subset 2 cells T lymphocyte T myelotomy T system t test T tube T tubule T wave T-2...


23/09/2009 21:07


repetitive strain disorders repetitive stress disorders replacement replacement bone replacement fibrosis replacement therapy replant replantation repletion replica replica plating replicase replicate replication replication site replicative form (RF) replicative intermediate replicative...


23/09/2009 20:59


R R antigen R enzyme R factors R pili R plasmids R wave R-banding R-banding stain R-on-T phenomenon R-R interval R.C.P. R.C.P.(E) R.C.P.(I) R.C.P.S.C. R.C.S. R.C.S.(E) R.C.S.(I) R.D.H. R.Ph. R.Q. R/O Rf Rf value Ra RA rabbeting rabbit fever rabbit fibroma rabbit fibroma virus rabbit myxoma...


23/09/2009 20:58


GSW GTP GTP binding proteins GTP cyclohydrolase GTT GU Gua guaiac guaiac gum guaiac test guaiacin guaiacol glyceryl ether guaifenesin Guam parkinsonian dimension complex Guama virus Guanarito virus guanase guanazolo guanidine guanidinium guanidinoacetate guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase guanine...


23/09/2009 20:53


G antigen G cells G factor G force G protein diseases G proteins G syndrome G unit of streptomycin G-actin G-banding G-banding stain G-CSF G-protein G-strophanthin g-tolerance G0 G1 G2 GM1 gangliosidosis GM2 gangliosidosis Ga GABA GABA pathway GABA-ergic gabaergic gabanergic Gaboon...


23/09/2009 20:51


forced spirometry forced vital capacity (FVC) forceps forceps anterior forceps delivery forceps frontalis forceps major forceps minor forceps occipitalis forceps posterior Forchheimer Forchheimer sign forcipate forcipressure Fordyce Fordyce angiokeratoma Fordyce disease Fordyce granules Fordyce...
